Your print book cover is prime real estate. Its design must attract your readers in seconds and every word on the front and back must sell what's inside. A book's physical appearance can be the deciding factor in whether a book reviewer will review it or not.
eBook covers are no different. In this competitive market, having an attractive, well-designed cover is essential to make your eBook stands out.
We work with print and eBook cover designers who know what works in both markets and how to create front and back covers uniquely suited to your book's content and target readership.
“Some years after my father's death, I wanted to publish the manuscript he left to me. I was grateful to have found Eva to help me edit, design, and publish it. She worked tirelessly to produce my father's work the way I wanted to honor him, and if he were here now, I know he would be pleased."
— Lisa Farqué/F.J. Farqué, author (posth.)
Lobelia Verbascum