"The day that an editor picks up a manuscript without some sense of anticipation is probably the last day he or she should be at work." — Alan D. Williams
Each editing job is a joy for us and our partnerships with authors are deeply satisfying. With thoughtful and thorough readings, we bring fresh eyes to your work and review your manuscript for its organization and flow, for content and continuity, and for structure. We read to make sure you are saying exactly what you want to say and saying it as clearly and consistently as possible–––the way you would say it, not how we would say it. We'll offer recommendations and suggestions to make your work the best it can be.
To get started, we can provide a confidential review of ten pages or a sample chapter at no charge or obligation.
“I started working with Eva to self-publish one book that by the quality of its editing and design would match the professionalism of any book produced by the big publishing houses. With her continued expertise I have just published book number five."
— Rod Collins, author
What Do I Do When I Get There?
Spider Silk
Stone Fly
Mariah's Song