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eBooks are here to stay.  They can go anywhere you go and be read anytime, anywhere. Thought you were in the mood for a mystery, but realized later you would rather read true crime?  No problem, your next book is available to read in minutes.

Join the digital revolution
With an eBook's interactive features, your eBook can engage readers and provide a richly layered experience.
Your eBook will have standard features such as interactive text and external links, but it can also contain rich media content that incorporates audio, video, and animation. More value for your reader results in greater sales in the marketplace and greater royalties to you.
We prepare your work for conversion, both artistically and technologically, by taking your manuscript or print book file through a rigorous quality assurance process. We'll create a trouble-free file that can be read on all electronic reader devices––eReaders, PCs, laptops, tablets, and mobile.

We work with the best conversion houses suited to your eBook features, and we oversee the entire conversion process, including working with third-party aggregators who make your eBook available on all the important eRetailer sites.

Are you new to the eBook world?
Email me for a FREE eBooks Basics cheat sheet.